The Effect of Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer on the Photophoresis of a Large High-Viscosity Droplet in a Binary Gas Mixture




Photophoresis of Evaporating Droplets, the Movement of Droplets in the Field of Electromagnetic Radiation


The effect of heat and mass transfer on the photophoretic motion of a large highly viscous spherical droplet in a binary gas mixture with small relative temperature differences in its vicinity is considered in the quasi-stationary Stokes approximation at small Pecle numbers. Convective heat and mass transfer equations were resolved by the method of asymptotic expansion. Analytical expressions were obtained and numerical estimates of the effect of heat and mass transfer on the photophoresis rate of large high-viscosity droplets were carried out.


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Author Biography

Julia Shostak, Belgorod National Research University

Post-graduate student of the Second Year of Study at the Institute of Engineering and Digital Technologies, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Shostak, J. (2023). The Effect of Heat Transfer and Mass Transfer on the Photophoresis of a Large High-Viscosity Droplet in a Binary Gas Mixture. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 55(2), 176-182.



Physics. Mathematical modeling