


domains in a liquid crystal, silicon p-n junction, sensor of vapor


The formation of a domain texture in a nematic in the electric field of a silicon p-n junction and the influence
of reagent vapors (dimethylformamide, isopropyl alcohol, toluene) on a uniformly reoriented nematic and domains were
experimentally studied. At a threshold voltage, the initiator of the generation of linearly located domains is a local
heterogeneity in the orientation of the molecules moving along the p-n junction line in a uniformly reoriented nematic, the
speed of which depends on the applied voltage. The step of periodicity in the arrangement of domains depends on the speed
of motion of this heterogeneity. The effect of reagents on a uniformly reoriented nematic by the p-n junction field at a fixed
voltage is manifested as a change in the intensity of reflected light from the reoriented region of the nematic. The intensity
increases with increasing concentration of the reagent. For a domain texture, also at a fixed voltage, the effect of vapor is
manifested in a change in the step of the periodicity of their location along the p-n junction line. Two possible contributions
to the mechanism of influence of reagents vapor are noted, namely: a change in the order parameter and surface tension of
the nematic, the latter factor being clearly gradient in nature, which allows the spatial directional displacement of domains
from the p-n junction line in the sensor prototype to define the direction to the source of the reagent vapor.


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Author Biographies

A. V. Berdnichenko,, Belgorod National Research University

аспирант Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета

Белгород, Россия

C. I. Kucheev, Belgorod National Research University

кандидат физико-математических наук, доцент кафедры теоретической и
экспериментальной физики Белгородского государственного национального исследовательского университета,

г. Белгород, Россия


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How to Cite

Berdnichenko, A. V., & Kucheev, C. I. (2020). DOMAIN REORIENTATION OF NEMATIC INp-n JUNCTION FIELD IN SENSOR OF ORGANIC REAGENTS VAPOR. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 52(3), 214–223.–223



Physics. Mathematical modeling