Spectral-angular Densities of Transition Radiation and Diffracted Transition Radiation of Relativistic Electrons in a Periodic Layered Medium





Diffracted Transition Radiation, Transition Radiation, Relativistic Electron, Reflection Asymmetry, Spectral-angular Density


A dynamic theory of diffracted transition radiation and transition radiation of a beam of relativistic electrons crossing a plate from a periodic layered medium in the Bragg scattering geometry under conditions of asymmetric reflection of the electron field relative to the surface of the plate has been developed. The absorption of radiation by the layered structure is taken into account. Within the framework of the two-wave approximation of the dynamic theory of diffraction of X-ray waves in a periodic layered medium, expressions describing the spectral-angular densities of transition radiation (TR) and diffracted transition radiation (DTR) are obtained.


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Author Biographies

Anton V. Noskov, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Physics, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics,
Moscow, Russia.

Vladislav K. Kipersha, Belgorod State Shukhov’s Technological University

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Theoretical and Applied Chemistry, V. G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Aleksey А. Pleskanev, Belgorod State Shukhov’s Technological University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department of Physics, V. G. Shukhov Belgorod State Technological University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Sergey V. Blazhevich, Belgorod National Research University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Roman Yu. Ilyinsky, Belgorod National Research University

Postgraduate Student of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.

Elena V. Voloshkina, Belgorod National Research University

Postgraduate student of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Belgorod State National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia.


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How to Cite

Noskov, A. V., Kipersha, V. K., Pleskanev A. А., Blazhevich, S. V., Ilyinsky, R. Y., & Voloshkina, E. V. (2024). Spectral-angular Densities of Transition Radiation and Diffracted Transition Radiation of Relativistic Electrons in a Periodic Layered Medium. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 56(1), 66-74. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0959-2024-56-1-66-74



Physics. Mathematical modeling

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