Photophoresis of a Moderately Large High-Viscosity Droplet in a Sliding Mode, Taking into Account Thermodiffusion and Stephan Effects




Photophoresis of Evaporating Droplets, Movement of Droplets in the Field of Electromagnetic Radiation, Heat and Mass Transfer


A theoretical description of the photophoretic motion of a moderately large evaporating highly viscous spherical droplet (absent, circulation of matter inside the droplet and interfacial surface tension forces) in a viscous binary gas mixture with a phase transition of one of the components on the surface of the condensed phase is carried out in the quasi-stationary approximation at low Reynolds and Peckle numbers. In the boundary conditions on the droplet surface, linear corrections by the Knudsen number were taken into account (isothermal, thermal and diffusion slip, temperature and concentration jumps, as well as sliding due to temperature inhomogeneity along the curved surface of the particle), the reactive effect and the contribution of the direct influence of the evaporation coefficient taking into account thermodiffusion and Stephan effects.


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Author Biographies

Nikolai V. Malai, Belgorod National Research University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor, Professor of the Department of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0003-3400-5371

Pavel V. Sohan, Belgorod National Research University

Post Graduate Student of the Second Year of Study, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

ORCID: 0009-0002-5152-240X

Julia I. Shostak, Belgorod National Research University

Post Graduate Student of the Third Year of Study, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0002-9588-5117


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How to Cite

Malai, N. V., Sohan, P. V., & Shostak, J. I. (2024). Photophoresis of a Moderately Large High-Viscosity Droplet in a Sliding Mode, Taking into Account Thermodiffusion and Stephan Effects. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 56(3), 218-225.



Physics. Mathematical modeling