Physics of Deformation and Destruction of Iceland Spar Crystal During the Release of Energy in the Sample Volume




twinning, Iceland spar, Rose channels, condensed matter physics


The physics of deformation for Iceland spar crystals under conditions of simultaneous release of laser pulse energy in two closely spaced local areas in the sample volume is explained by specifics of ultrafast local heating and the formation of a field of high mechanical stresses of complex geometry. Iceland spar crystals may deform exclusively by twinning under normal condition, but translational sliding is possible in them under conditions of a mechanical stress field formation in the sample volume. Under the influence of self-focused laser radiation on the Iceland spar crystal, it is possible to form unique structures such as internal local burnt channels and Rose channels of the second kind with physically clean surfaces, the investigation of the physical properties of which is one of the promising tasks of condensed matter physics.


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Author Biography

Ivan V. Ushakov, National Research Technological University "MISIS"

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Head of Physical Department, National Research Technological University "MISIS",
Moscow, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0003-0124-8668


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How to Cite

Ushakov, I. V. (2024). Physics of Deformation and Destruction of Iceland Spar Crystal During the Release of Energy in the Sample Volume. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 56(3), 234-240.



Physics. Mathematical modeling