
  • E. Shishkina Voronezh State University



spherical mean, hyperbolic Riesz potential, generalized translation, weighted spherical mean, mixed hyperbolic Riesz B--potential


The article presents formulas for inversion of the weighted spherical mean. Interest in the reconstruction of function using its integral over a sphere, stimulated by a number of new problems and methods of image reconstruction, has grown tremendously over the past six decades.
We consider a generalization of the classical spherical mean to the case when the generalized translation generated by the Bessel operator acts instead of the usual shift. The inverse operator to the considered generalized spherical mean is constructed using the mixed hyperbolic Riesz B-potential. As a special case, this problem includes spherical means acting on radially symmetric functions. In addition, the article provides a general inversion formula for the classical spherical mean, regardless of the evenness or oddness of the dimension of the space, obtained by using the Riesz hyperbolic potential.
Various special cases and examples are also given.


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Abstract views: 189




How to Cite

Shishkina, E. (2021). GENERAL FORMULA OF INVERSION OF WEIGHTED SPHERICAL MEAN. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 53(1), 13-30.


