Initial-boundary value problems for two dimensional Kawahara equation


  • Egor Martynov Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)



Two-Dimensional Kawahara Equation, Solvability of the Initial Bundary Value Problem, Dissipation of Solutions at Infinity


In this paper we study initial-boundary value problems on a half-strip with different types of boundary conditions for the generalized two-dimensional Kawahara equation with nonlinearity of higher order. The solutions are considered in weighted at infinity Sobolev spaces. The use of weighted spaces is crucial for the study. We establish results on global existence and uniqueness in classes of weak and strong solutions, as well as large-time decay of week and strong solutions under small input data.


The work was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Russian Federation: agreement no 075-03-2020-223/3 (FSSF-2020-0018).


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Author Biography

Egor Martynov, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University)



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Abstract views: 117




How to Cite

Martynov, E. (2023). Initial-boundary value problems for two dimensional Kawahara equation. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 55(1), 12-28.


