Temporal method of presenting the fundamentals of classical thermodynamics





Thermodynamics, Fundamentals of Theory, Presentation Systems, Temporal Method


Thermodynamics has a universal theory with great potential for the development of science. This article proposes a new system of presenting the laws of classical thermodynamics using temporal representations of thermodynamic processes, which allows to introduce time into basic laws and ratios of thermodynamics. The study shows the analysis of thermodynamics representation systems. We formulate thermodynamics methodology based on temporal approach. The principle of the existence of entropy and the equation of energy conservation are justified by methods of statistical modeling and differential geometry. We use the principle of equal possibility of thermodynamic states and processes for modeling the statics and dynamics of the perfect gas. So it is possible to apply the Monte Carlo method for the forming of states and for the estimation of their posterior probabilities. For real gases the principle of equal probability of states does not hold, therefore at statistical modeling it is necessary to take into account the laws of distribution of variables that will be associated with the empirical state equations - the Van der Waals equation, the virial equation, etc. The study presents the new temporal ratios which are important for the development of the theory, such as connection between time and entropy, correlation between entropy and process length, etc. Here we discuss the directions of research related to the disclosure of the physical and mathematical meanings of entropy.


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Author Biographies

Gennadiy V. Averin, Donetsk State University

Doctor of Engineering Sciences, Professor, Head of the Department of Computer Technologies Donetsk State University,
Donetsk, Russia

E-mail: averin.gennadiy@gmail.com
ORCID: 0000-0003-1070-3677

Maria V. Shevtsova, Belgorod National Research University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assosiate Professor of the Department of Mathematics, Belgorod National Research University,
Belgorod, Russia

E-mail: shevtsova_m@bsu.edu.ru
ORCID: 0000-0002-5445-7669

Anna V. Zvyagintseva, Donetsk State University

Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Head of the Department of Physics, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics,
Moscow, Russia

ORCID: 0000-0003-2218-9230


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How to Cite

Averin, G. V., Shevtsova, M. V., & Zvyagintseva, A. V. (2024). Temporal method of presenting the fundamentals of classical thermodynamics. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 56(3), 208-217. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0959-2024-56-3-208-217



Physics. Mathematical modeling

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