Localized and Local Derivatives of Fractional Order of Functions with a Given Modulus of Continuity





Localized Fractional Derivative, Local Fractional Derivative, Modulus of Continuity of a function, Isomorphism


The article considers localized derivatives of the Riemann – Liouville, Marchaud type and localized integrals of the Riemann – Liouville type of functions with a given modulus of continuity. For the localized integral, a left inverse operator is introduced and a theorem on isomorphism in Holder spaces is proved. Conditions are obtained that connect the modulus of continuity of a function, the boundedness of the Wiener p-variation and the fulfillment of the Holder condition. The possibility of representing a Holder function as a difference of two almost increasing Holder functions is proved.


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Author Biography

Alexander P. Grinko, Baranovichi State University

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Assosiate Professor, Assosiate Professor of the Department of Information Technology and Physical and Mathematical Disciplines, Baranovichi State University,
Baranovichi, Belarus
E-mail: grinko111111@gmail.com
ORCID: 0009-0008-8355-6499


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How to Cite

Grinko, A. P. (2024). Localized and Local Derivatives of Fractional Order of Functions with a Given Modulus of Continuity. Applied Mathematics & Physics, 56(4), 296-313. https://doi.org/10.52575/2687-0959-2024-56-4-296-313


